Grab and wear!
There is so much technology in a 'ONESIZE JEWELS' collection
These unique pieces of Art have inside a Brand New INVISIBLE technology that make them Stretch to be worn without a using a common lock And they fit all.
The ONESIZE Project
Never in trouble with ring size and bracelet length problem thanks to Onesize Technology!
There is So much technology in a jewel of ONESIZE collection. At a first glance it seems “just” a jewel. It isn’t! These unique pieces of art have inside a Brand new technology that make them Stretch to be worn without a using A common lock. And they fit all. |
SuCh aMazinG CollecTIon has NO comProMiSE. It miXes tecHnoLogy, cRaftsMansHip,uNiQUEness aNd tHe exTraordiNary ItAliAn deSign. aLL tHe bEst. Only thE beSt. |
eAsy to Use. eAsy to Wear. Easy to Fit with a ForMal Or CaSUAl Look. In The morNing, in ThE afTerNOOn, iN The EveniNG… MAke Your Choice, ‘cause ONe SiZe fiTS All! |
LuXury is a sTate of Mind. iT is a waY of lIfe. a Matter of Fact whEN usiNg tHe moSt prEcious mATerials, geMstones, craFtsmaNship, tRaDiTion. OnESize Have it All. |
pRoudlY Italian. pRoudLy MaDE in iTaly. pRoudLy MadE in ValenZa, onE of the Most anCienT anD sKillED plAces in Italy for sTaTE oF thE Art jeWELry. |