Tennis Bracelet | Symphony...
A 18k gold tennis bracelet with 83-101 Rainbow Sapphires, carats 2.75-4.10
- Adjustable to fit any wrist.
- A unique and vibrant jewel that illuminates your every look.
5B173R 5D278R 5D278W 5D278G
Grab and wear!
There is so much technology in a 'ONESIZE JEWELS' collection
These unique pieces of Art have inside a Brand New INVISIBLE technology that make them Stretch to be worn without a using a common lock And they fit all.
Never in trouble with ring size and bracelet length problem thanks to Onesize Technology!
There is So much technology in a jewel of ONESIZE collection. At a first glance it seems “just” a jewel. It isn’t! These unique pieces of art have inside a Brand new technology that make them Stretch to be worn without a using A common lock. And they fit all. |
SuCh aMazinG CollecTIon has NO comProMiSE. It miXes tecHnoLogy, cRaftsMansHip,uNiQUEness aNd tHe exTraordiNary ItAliAn deSign. aLL tHe bEst. Only thE beSt. |
eAsy to Use. eAsy to Wear. Easy to Fit with a ForMal Or CaSUAl Look. In The morNing, in ThE afTerNOOn, iN The EveniNG… MAke Your Choice, ‘cause ONe SiZe fiTS All! |
LuXury is a sTate of Mind. iT is a waY of lIfe. a Matter of Fact whEN usiNg tHe moSt prEcious mATerials, geMstones, craFtsmaNship, tRaDiTion. OnESize Have it All. |
pRoudlY Italian. pRoudLy MaDE in iTaly. pRoudLy MadE in ValenZa, onE of the Most anCienT anD sKillED plAces in Italy for sTaTE oF thE Art jeWELry. |
5B173R 5D278R 5D278W 5D278G
1W896R 1AK96R8 4067119877837
1W896R 1AK96R8 4067119877837
Gorgeous Autosizing Enamel Ring
Wear this enamel band alone or stack it with your wedding band, diamond band
Three gold tones and ring size fitting all!!! Ten available colors according to your mood.
Automatically fits your finger